Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What To Consider When Deciding To Rip A DVD

When I first saw the title for this article I thought great this is something we have dealt with a lot, until I learned that ripping a DVD is different from making home VCDs or even burning a DVD. Not only are the processes, softwares, and hardwires different but it seems the legal controversy is as well.

We all know that with the right software that is normally included with any CD writing drive, that you just record your videos, open it with the software and burn it to a CD Disk. However this is not the case with making a DVD, by either burning it or RIPPING it.

Obviously the first thing you need to do is decide is which type of DVD you are making, the first being a home movie, the second being a copy of Movies you have either purchased and are wanting to make a personal backup copy. Both of these require a DVD+R Writer, and DVD+R/DVD+RW disk, and the appropriate software. Not too mention plenty of space on your hard drive.

The controversy on making copies of Movies you have legally purchased is the fact many film makers do not want you to copy but buy a new one to replace it. At this time it is not illegal to make copies for personal use of movies you have bought, it may or may not change in the future but we are talking about today.

Onto ripping your DVD, once you have decided what kind of DVD you are ripping, you then have to decide which program to use and how easy they are to work. There are many out there which are deceiving to say the least, luckily though my husband found one that is both user friendly, but reliable as well, not too mention has many various other features which are definitely useful. Nero frequently offers software updates with registration; drivers for your burners and is definitely worth the cost.

There are many different products on the market with different ways to download some of these for free, however it has been my experience that cheaper or free is not always the best answer. I know someone who went with cheaper and ended up having to download multiple programs, and drivers, including having to purchase more memory for her PC. All of this was after the fact she had to redo her PC when she ended up running out of space even though she met or exceeded the requirements, and her PC froze. She had tried to remove the Movie but the file was even too large to remove.

Yes there are compressing agents out there to decrease the size but unless it comes with the program and is automatically started at the appropriate times this program cannot do the job to the best of its ability. Which leaves the computer too full to erase properly and leaving the owner to harassed and upset to do anything else but either pay more money for someone to fix or redo the pc and try again.

In conclusion, in cases such as this it is my sole opinion that the best thing to do is when you go looking for the write hardware. Make sure you also choose the right software to go with it, if not already included. Make a checklist and see how many things the Program can do, and what it cannot and go with the one who does it all or the most.

Dee Owens writes articles and reviews for Please follow the link for more information about DVD ripper software: Blog32264
Arlene Blog12923

The Adverse Effects Of Technology

(NOTE) The following is an excerpt of my upcoming book entitled, "MORPHING INTO THE REAL WORLD - THE HANDBOOK FOR ENTERING THE WORK FORCE."

Today, our society is driven by technology and some would accuse me of being an anti-technologist. Having been actively involved with the Information Technology industry over the last 30 years, I can assure you this is simply not true. I have witnessed many different technological enhancements over the years, but what intriques me most is how it affects us socially. I firmly believe technology is purchased more as a fashion statement as opposed to any practical application. Consequently, we tend to under utilize or abuse the technology thereby costing companies millions of dollars. Instead of "Ready, Aim, Fire," people tend to, "Fire, Aim, Ready." In other words, people tend to implement the latest technology before they understand precisely what it is or what business need it serves. To me, this is putting the cart before the horse.

Perhaps the biggest difference between the 20th century and the 21st is how technology has changed the pace of our lives. We now expect to communicate with anyone on the planet in seconds, not days. We expect information at our fingertips. We expect to be up and walking shortly after a hip or knee replacement. Basically, we take a lot for granted. But this frenzied pace has also altered how we conduct business and live our lives. To illustrate, we want to solve problems immediately, and have no patience for long term solutions. Consequently, we tend to attack symptoms as opposed to addressing true problems, and apply Band-Aids to pacify the moment as opposed to tourniquets which are actually needed. We are easily satisfied with solving small problems as opposed to conquering major challenges. Personally, we tend to live for today, as opposed to planning for tomorrow. This mindset concerns me greatly.

What if someone pulled the plug on our technology? Would engineers still know how to draft products? Would we still know how to ship a product or process an order? Would our financial transactions come to a halt? Would business come to a standstill? The answer, unfortunately, is Yes. This highlights the overt dependency we have developed on our technology and is cause for alarm. We are being driven by technology as opposed to the other way around. By unplugging our technology, we are unplugging the human-being. Think I'm wrong? Watch what happens the next time the power goes out at your office or home.

Because of the domination of technology, people have allowed their socialization skills to slip. Small things, such as common courtesy, appearance, and our ability to network with others, have all deteriorated in the workplace. We may be effective in communicating electronically, but we are becoming complete failures in communicating socially. Throughout the book I mention how people act on perceptions, right or wrong. These perceptions are based in large part on our ability to communicate, such as through the messages we transmit verbally or written, our appearance, our body language, and how we treat others. If we cannot communicate effectively in this capacity, no amount of technology will be able to alter the perceptions of our coworkers, our managers, our customers, our vendors, or our friends and family.

To this end, I have introduced a new Bryce's Law:
"As the use of technology increases, social skills decreases."

Tim Bryce is a writer and management consultant located in Palm Harbor, Florida. You can find his work on the Internet at: Blog11681
Alyss Blog52675

PC Hardware: How Ego Can Cost Your Clients

You'll find that clients are sometimes just like children. They want to biggest, shiniest toy even though it may not be good for them. Your job as the virtual CIO is to make sure that they spend their money wisely and well.

What Does Your Client Really Need?

Look carefully at clients' software application requirements before you allow their emotional needs to drive tech PC hardware purchases. If a client's CFO spends most of a typical day crunching numbers in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and communicating via e-mail in Microsoft Outlook, he or she really has only very basic PC hardware requirements. Thus, there might be a better way to ring greater bottom-line results.

Additionally, these consulting projects will be infinitely more profitable to your consulting firm than the slim profit margin on a high-end, commodity-like desktop PC hardware purchase.

What about Notebook PCs?

Although your clients can get some really useful multimedia features in high-end notebooks in the $4,000 to $5,000 price range, if the CEO of one of your main clients merely wants to access e-mail remotely, you easily could equip him or her with a reliable, high-performance, brand-name notebook for one-third to one-half of that price.

Use Your Knowledge To Help Your Clients

As your clients' virtual CIO and technology visionary, you have a huge responsibility. Don't allow clients' objective judgments and technology budgets to get seduced by superfluous bells and whistles.

When in doubt, ask yourself this basic question:

If my client took the $5,000 that was about to be spent on the Rolls Royce of notebooks and reallocated the amount toward computer consulting services, what kind of an impact on their business could my firm make with a $5,000 budget for a consulting project?

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consulting 101. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg, co-founder of Computer Consulting 101, helps computer consulting business owners get more steady, high-paying clients. Learn how you can too with free proven computer consulting secrets at http://www.ComputerConsulting101.comAdrianne Blog13
Adelind Blog41889

Never Assume

We have all heard the old adage, "Never Assume," but, of course, we do it anyway. We run our lives on assumptions. When we drive to work we assume people on the other side of the road will stay there. We assume the paycheck will come on the expected day. We assume others will do their job or do what they say. We are always assuming. What "Never assume" really means is that we need to be aware of our assumptions and often, test them. This is of great importance to any organization that considers itself a learning organization.

Some assumptions are purely our own, and others are shared. In organizations where customers are truly valued, it is assumed that their needs are seen as important. This assumption comes from a consistently held and communicated expectation from the leadership that customers are the primary focus. It comes from consistently addressing customer needs in a timely and effective manner. In this manner we want to build certain shared assumptions right into the mindset of our organization.

Leaders often become frustrated with others when they don't perform to expectations. Our frustration comes from our assumption that the others "should" perform well. We move from frustration to anger when we assume that the reason performance wasn't as we expected was because:

a. They didn't care.
b. They are incompetent.
c. They have their own priorities and agendas.
d. They are stubborn.
e. They didn't prepare.
f. They should have known what to do; so they were either lazy or stupid.

These are all blaming assumptions. The real problem with assumptions in organizations is that we do not share them. In other words, I make certain assumptions about you, but I don't tell you about them. For example, I ask you to complete a project by four p.m. You say that it will be done. I have certain assumptions about what "done" means. Are they the same as yours? We need to make sure we agree on what "done" means. Will all signatures be on the document? Will the envelope be addressed and ready to go?

As a leader I may tell my employees to offer great customer service. What does that look like? What do I assume that means? I need to share my assumptions about customer service with examples, specifics, and parameters. You can walk into any retail store or restaurant and tell if a manager has shared his assumptions about service. When I receive poor service I know it is a failure of leadership to provide clear expectations.

How do leaders make their assumptions visible? Constant repetition helps. Constantly saying what is expected, constantly modeling it, and constantly having conversations to find out what others assume makes our assumptions visible.

Conversations have to be two way. Leaders need to be in touch with what people are assuming. What do they assume you want? What do they assume is their role in relation to customers, each other, and you? Ask them how they came to that assumption. Was it something you said? Was it something they learned somewhere else?

Most people live in their heads. They don't converse in a spirit of inquiry, wanting to know about the needs, concerns, and motives of others. When we see others act, we determine needs and motives by making it up in our heads. In other words, we assume with no real basis or proof.

Today's leader needs to be a conversationalist. I don't mean lots of small talk. I mean the kind of conversation that gets at people's needs, concerns, and motives. It is the kind of conversation that builds a shared understanding. A leader can never assume that the people will do a great job unless that expectation is shared, in great detail, and discussed. Leaders sometimes say: "I don't have time to be doing all that talking with others. I'm too busy." Often they are too busy putting out fires that could have been prevented by having precise and inquiring conversations.

If we want people to perform well we need to take the guess work out of what they are doing. In my corporate life years ago, I worked for a leader who always told me how the job should have been done after I did it. He made certain assumptions about the results that he never shared with me. It became my job to ask him precisely what results he wanted. I asked him to share his assumptions and expectations. Often I disagreed with his assumptions which helped us to work out more details before the work was done.

We all make assumptions. As leaders we need to test those assumptions by asking others for their view. We need to share our assumptions so that others know what we mean. We need to offer the opportunity for others to question our assumptions. One assumption we can safely make is that no one person knows everything. If we are to create learning organizations we must recognize that we learn by sharing, testing, and challenging our assumptions about work, customers, and each other.

William Frank Diedrich is a speaker, executive coach, and the author of three books including Beyond Blaming: Unleashing Power and Passion in People and Organizations. William offers online leadership classes, leadership assessments, and online behavioral profiles (DISC) at Blog86030
Caroline Blog24169

Earning A Health Care Degree Online Is Possible

Many people enjoy working in the health care field, the career being an attractive one for many reasons. After all, you're helping others, the job opportunities abound and the field of medicine is an exciting one that's developing constantly. A career in health care is an exciting one, with hands-on experience and being personally satisfying. However, individuals wanting to break into the medical world need strong credentials and up-to-date training to have good employment opportunities with hospitals, private practices and ambulatory care centers. Finding that training can be difficult, but there are options available, thanks to technology and a widening recognition of virtual instruction. Obtaining a health care degree online is a smart choice for landing satisfying employment.

Online education is transforming the way individuals receive instruction for top careers. The fields of opportunities are expanding and being able to earn your health care degree online is a perfect example of just how far education has come. Accredited universities and colleges provide high-quality instruction, leading to Bachelors and Masters Degrees that are recognized by employers. The training has a leading reputation amongst hospitals and health care facilities of all kinds, making individuals valuable assets to the medical field.

Obtaining your health care degree online can help with upward mobility on the ladder of success and increase job opportunities in the medical field. Expanding your education can improve communication skills and promote individual value to the mid-level management section, allowing students to respond to ever-widening community diversity. Interpreting and analyzing data as well as identifying human values, moral choices and fundamental beliefs are just part of what a health care degree online can provide to individuals. Courses within this field of online education touch on varied subjects, such as anatomy, legal issues, the aging process and research methods.

There are other reasons why pursuing a health care degree online is advantageous. Education in the virtual world allows students to easily balance studies with employment, meaning that individuals can continue to work and earn income while earning credits towards a degree in their own time. Home life, education and employment blend very easily, allowing students to combine all three areas of their lives without needing to take time off work to study or put off raising children to obtain an education. Also, pursuing an online degree allows individuals to save money on costs of transportation and commuting to educational facilities or having to pay for lodgings on or near a campus.

Employment opportunities in the health care field are continually broadening as the world's population ages. Research and technology allow people to live longer, providing ample careers to those who pursue a profession in the medical field. As our population of senior citizens continues to expand, the needs for skilled professionals able to tend to individuals increases and finding employment is usually easy, for those who have the qualifications and credentials of accredited educational facilities. Top schools and universities have responded to the demands and offer excellent, recognized training to students in a manner that matches the technological revolution of today's computer-based world.

Government offices continually demand high-quality workers and their predictions claim that having solid training is a must for those entering the health care world. Consumers and clients of hospitals, private practices, ambulatory care centers and home health agencies are also asking for better-quality care from those who tend to their needs. The advantages to earning a health care degree from a reputable educational facility are many and the long-term results will provide individuals with solid, satisfying and exciting careers.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Health Care Degree Online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Cari Blog33326
Aindrea Blog65235

Liposuction Cost A Manageable Expense

The purpose of this article is to provide some basic ideas regarding the cost of liposuction on various parts of the body. Liposuction costs will fluctuate widely depending on the type of liposuction procedure to be performed and the area of the body to be treated. Liposuction cost for a single procedure on one area can cost as little as $800, but this cost can reach many thousands of dollars where more extensive liposuction is required. Additionally, the liposuction cost will vary from one plastic surgeon to another and also depends on the geographic location of the plastic surgeon. However, in general terms, the liposuction cost is based on the area of the body where the fat is removed.

Liposuction Financing and Costs

There are many variables in attempting to estimate the cost of a liposuction procedure. Whilst liposuction is routine cosmetic surgery performed by many plastic or cosmetic surgeons the variables can include the difference in cost between performing a procedure on a man or a woman. Liposuction for men is generally a more extensive and therefore more expensive procedure than for women, due in part to the differences in fat texture. A persons general health and age can also affect the cost of the procedure. It should be noted that liposuction is not appropriate for those suffering from diabetes or other auto-immune diseases, heart or artery problems, or with a history of blood clotting or restricted blood flow. Liposuction financing and cosmetic surgery financing generally is not widely recommended because it makes the procedure so much more expensive in the long run. If you do need to make financing arrangements for your surgery you should be able to make an application through your doctors office.


Liposuction is routinely performed by many cosmetic surgeons. When you begin your search for a plastic surgeon, look for one who specializes in liposuction. Assess the difference in liposuction costs within your local area plus nearby regions. You may find cost differences between cosmetic surgeons practicing in urban, suburban or rural areas. You should get a more meaningful liposuction cost estimate after your initial examination by your surgeon and when you and your surgeon have developed a surgical plan for your procedure. Check that your surgeon has the appropriate training and board certification when you are investigating the cost for liposuction. A highly qualified, board-certified surgeon will command a higher fee, however that should help to ensure a successful outcome with fewer risks of complications. Remember that liposuction cost will vary between surgeons and also between geographic locations.


The introduction of ultrasonic liposuction increased the number of patients suitable for body sculpting. Ultrasonic liposuction allows fat to be removed from areas that were previously unsuitable for liposuction and can allow for more complete fat removal from various body areas. Of course, this advanced liposuction technique comes at a price and ultrasonic liposuction costs can be significantly higher than traditional tumescent liposuction.

Other Cost Factors

Other factors can affect liposuction cost in certain cases: If you need to travel to have your liposuction procedure performed in a different geographic region, you will need to allow for your travel and additional accommodation expenses. However, these travel costs need not make a major impact on the total cost of your liposuction.


Liposuction can be performed on many different areas of the body by cosmetic surgeons of varying qualifications and skills. The surgeon may employ different types of machines, and use different types of anesthesia; all these differences will affect cost.

As with most plastic surgery, liposuction cost is comprised of three main fees: surgeons fees, anesthesia fees, and operating facility fees. Additional costs for liposuction techniques can include compression garments and bandages worn after surgery, fees for laboratory tests, or other post-operative care fees. Some surgeons will prescribe treatments such as ultrasound, massage, or Endermologie after liposuction, and there will be fees associated with these additional treatments. Ask your surgeon to advise you in advance about other costs, charges, or fees.

Liposuction costs can vary greatly between different city, state and rural areas and also between surgeons of varying experience and qualifications. While consulting with a variety of plastic surgeons regarding liposuction procedures people will find major differences in liposuction cost. Ensure you engage a reputable and highly qualified surgeon to perform your procedure.

Alison Stevens is an online author and maintains the Liposuction Website to offer knowledge and advice to anyone seeking information on liposuction or liposuction cost.Antonia Blog65224
Celesta Blog24055

Technology and Online Degrees

This article that you are about to read will help give you the knowledge you need to feel that you have a firm grasp on the whether an online degree in technology is what you desire.

Online degrees in technology may well be to your liking, particularly because the world is rotating around technology. Almost everything you do nowadays rotates around technology, including E-business, e-hospital, and more.

The e-commerce is happening to become world wide known and usually used in all aspects of business. In the upcoming e-hospitals will be accessible, which indicates technology can come in handy. Because the growth of computers and as the time advances and technology progresses, it is allowing no space for illiteracy in technology.

A few of the online schools presenting e-business majors join information technology with business while focusing on the issues of up-and-coming e-business. The courses begin with presenting rock-hard backdrops of practicing theories of business, management, universal business, fiscal analyzing, research and marketing. Throughout the curriculums, you will be taught strategies in researching and analyzing that will improve your mind, allowing you to learn crucial thinking techniques.

Throughout the courses, you will be taught information involving e-business, technology, e-commerce, applications and its fundamental concepts. The business and e-commerce is a rising industry and completive field, therefore, starting now is at your advantage.

As we take a closer look, keep in mind all of the useful and important information that you have learned so far concerning technology online degrees.

A lot of the online courses are handy. You can work a full-time career, spend some time with family and friends and gain a degree at the same time. Work from the luxury of your home, or in your office during break hours, or where ever you choose. The universities let you choose your own schedule, therefore giving you the choice to plan your future. If you have trouble, many universities offer aid during peak hours and will give instructional tools that will help you through the procedure of earning your degree online.

Choices are limitless at the online schools and the degrees are exceeding. The online schools create room for earning degrees by permitting students to make monthly installments while getting their degree. Like any school, there are penalties. Thus, educating yourself on the regulations and rules is imperative while attending schools online for degrees.

Like everything in life if you do not obey the regulations and follow the rules, you will experience turmoil. Sometimes the schools simply remove you from school or give you a warning if it was a mistake.

Again, at what time you are thinking about degrees and school it makes sense to read all facts, as well as the fine print before signing any papers. Sometimes hidden facts are underlying the papers, which are regularly a swindle; or else, it would not be hidden within the outline of the paper. There, secure your self because what you sign could be signing something that attaches you for life.

You also want to be cautious regarding privacy. A few schools in the fine print plainly say that they will market your information, and use cookies to take out your information. Thus, if you arent interested in the school go to Internet Explorer, click the Tools tab and Internet Options and remove the cookies while removing the history. This will stop anyone from gaining information or tracks of your site visits.

The online schools offering degrees in technology involve the University of Phoenix. This university is one of the top online schools, following is Colorado Tech University. The universities are pricey however; thus, if you are living on a set income you may want to look into other online universities while looking for a degree. Education Direct presents some technical classes where you can earn a Diploma or Certificate. The school gives a degree once you complete the courses, which regularly last up to a year or less. The degree will simply read Computer Tech Repair Certificate or somewhat to this effect.

Certificates are fine because you can still land a honest job with the education learnt from the certification. You can use this schools degrees and credit and make use of it to utilize toward furthering your education. The certificate will help you get nearer to a advanced degree. Also if you do not have an Associates or its equal you will not get in the doors of any college whether it is online or not. To learn more about school, education, online degrees, it makes sense to investigate several schools online.

Hopefully this article gave you enough information to decide whether an online degree in technology is just what you want. If not, there are plenty of articles concerning this subject that you should read to make you decision the best.

Keith Hoyng is the web master and operator of which is an excellent source of online university degree information and much more key financial information. Visit us at Blog27928
Cele Blog3180

FAQ about Email and Autoresponder software

If you want to make money in your Internet business you know the importance of sending out emails. Emails aid in the relationship with your subscribers. It also trains subscribers to buy products from you. You will send numerous emails and come across questions about your emails and Autoresponder software programs. Read on to find the answers to common email and Autoresponder software questions.

AutoResponse Plus Questions

Question: Heres my situation. As an affiliate, I sent out a broadcast email to my list. Im having trouble with inserting the first name in the proper area of the broadcast email. My question is How do I insert the first name in the first name slot correctly?

Answer: Go into your AutoResponse Plus software program. Look up in the right hand corner of the screen. In the RED area there will be a line that says Dynamic Content. Click on this and it will bring up a page that shows you what the email broadcast page should look like. Follow this format and AutoResponse Plus will automatically populate the first name slot correctly. You can preview the page to double check that you inserted the first name in the appropriate spot.

Question: What does the AutoResponse Plus backup save?

Answer: It saves your list into your AutoResponse Plus account. So if you messed up your account then you can find this backup and fix your account. It is also recommended to save a backup to your computer as well.

Email Questions:

Question: Does AOL have any new rules that certain words such as free are no longer a barrier?

Answer: AOL constantly tries to prevent spamming which can have a rollover affect into legitimate emails as well. In the past, you had to insert extra punctuation with words such as free. For example, you had to write f.ree to get your email through the AOL spam filter.

AOL rules change often. I find out the changes through testing. Lately, I havent had any problems with words such as free. Currently, you can write them without extra punctuation.

Question: Does AOL have any new rules about what content is required in your email?

Answer: AOL does have one new rule. When you send out an email you need to have your name, address, phone number, and an unsubscribe link in your email. AOL wants to know that you are legitimate.

Matt Bacak began investing his first earnings at the tender age of 12, a young businessman in the making. Now, 15 years later, Bacak survived failed businesses, botched partnerships, heavy credit card debt and bankruptcy - all in preparation for the accomplishments he has achieved today as a well-established Internet millionaire and best-selling author.Alexina Blog12181
Bess Blog91982

The Gradual Shaping Of The Microwave Oven

The underlying incident in the emergence of the microwave was rather weird and unexpected sometimes in 1946 by Percy Spenser, who worked for Raytheon. Waves from the radar set he was working on were transmitted to the chocolate he was carrying in his pocket, causing it to melt.

By more scrutinizing facts that heat of his body alone was insufficient effect of melting the chocolate, he was able to discern the reality of what was happening, having many exposures on research and experimentations.

That same year the Raytheon patented their first Microwave oven and the first set of microwave was out in the market in 1947. Looking back to the "Radarange" that had been the first microwave of Reytheon, it had long since gone on a broader range of development and usage expanded to a great extent to people all over the globe. The "Counter-oven" original Amana brand has been by-passed by two other styles, the (1) on top of the oven and (2) Built-in Style.

The Built-in type microwave oven, not to mention any preference in name, is more specifically created for smaller space-households. It is almost like being typically installed and saves a lot of space resulting to better home trafficking, attaching it to walls. Some built-in ovens combine that of the convection with attached features (built-in roast and grill performances).

Over a dozen or more type of selections can be availed in this type of oven. Most units come in variation of neutral colors in white, black, bisque, beige, stainless, and silver, without preference in cooking technology. Built-ins are made from sizes of 27/30, or 29/32 dimensions, or up to the manufacturer. Power Watt volume from 800 to l200.

Specific Features of a 27' Built-in Microwave (Example, Kitchen Aid brand):

Capacity is 1.4, Exclusive Crispwave(r)Technology, 900 Watts, combination microwave and convection, Crisp and Broil functions, and removable Turntables.

Dimension: Depth is 25 5/8 in.; Depth without handle is 23 7/8 in.; Height is 20 1/2 in.; and Width is 26 3/4 in.

Warranty choices are from 2 year to 6 years.

Prices of Built-in sold from different sources of produces approximates at $130 to $1000 and more, attaching incentive bonus on free handling and expediting deliveries.

Extensive use of microwaves are raising a lot of controversies about the effect in radiation that the wave carries just like any use of televisions, and other appliances transmitting the same electromagnetic energies. Children should never be allowed to manipulate it, and adults direct in charge of the kitchen should be alerted to take a professional technician if something goes wrong with oven.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on Microwave-Ovens & other information, please visit Blog67371
Bryna Blog49816

Acer Laptops Captivates Many Customers

Taiwan is the base of the computer company called Acer which has been increasingly described as one of the most successful PC companies in the world. They have established dealership in over a hundred countries and have a solid reputation of offering customers reliable and up-to-date technological services at very reasonable prices.

Among their products is Acer laptops which are useful for both the home user that has space constraints and the business user who desires mobility. These days, laptops have many features and functions than desktops.

There are four main series of laptops and various accessories in the range. Both the Acer TravelMate series and the Acer TravelMate Tabletseries have been designed for professional and business users. The tablet laptop in particular captivates many people with its interesting features and its 360 degrees screen which can be rotated and be directly written on.

There is another Acer laptop series that is a result of collaborative efforts between Acer and the Ferrari Formula 1 Racing Team. The product is branded Acer Ferrari 4000 laptop and contains sophisticated technology which includes AMD Turion 64 processors and integrated Bluetooth.

The Acer Aspire series has many different models that will appeal to both the home user and small business user, and as a result of their efficiency, these Acer laptops have been adjudged to the among the best around and have garnered several awards from the computer media. The 5600 series contains an Intel Core Duo processing and a choice of optical drives. And for those interested in specification details, the display screen goes from 14.1 inches to 15.4 inches widescreen.

While the 1600 series comes with a choice of Intel Pentium M processor and a two-channel memory. The AMD PowerNow technology and a 15.4 inches widescreen display are the characteristic features of the 3000 series. While its 3100 series counterpart has a blutooth and wireless options, in addition to the latest optical drives. The 3610 series is famed for its very compact and but portable size, but it also comes with a widescreen.

For those who desire a long battery life and high speed, the 5000 series is the unit they should go for. The next series is the 5100 and it has a 64 bit technology and 1 gigabyte of memory. A unique 17 inch screen and many multimedia applications is what distinguishes the 7100 series from the rest, while the 9100 series come with an Intel Centurion double mobile technology and TV tuner option.

A 17 inch crystalbrite widescreen and a dual lamp option are the most prominent features of the 9500 series. The last series in the range is the 9800 series and this has an integrated video camera and a jumbo 20 inch widescreen display. All the Acer laptops that falls into the Aspire series are specifically designed to provide different applications and price range.

Besides the sales of computers, the organization also produces a range of accessories for the Acer laptops. Among the accessories are mice, carry cases, docking stations, keyboards, global positioning systems, and audio players.

By Benny Carlson http://computing-magazine.comBelva Blog57062
Abbye Blog17920

Leaders Help People to Help Themselves

"There are incalculable resources in the human spirit, once it has been set free." Hubert Humphrey, Former U.S. Vice President

Remember the old television series, The Lone Ranger? A lot of traditional managers see themselves in a similarly heroic role. In the TV show, when the poor hapless townsfolk got themselves into big trouble, the Lone Ranger and his faithful sidekick would come riding over the hill. With the right degree of courage, wit, and cunning, he faced down the mean hombre or otherwise took care of the problem for the town. At the end of the nice, neat, half hour episode, our hero would leave the grateful townsfolk behind wondering, "Who was that masked man?"

The same spirit of rugged individualism runs deep within many of today's "heroic managers." They solve problems, take command, control and direct, occasionally empower team members, and are caught up in putting out daily operating fires. They are often overworked and a growing number are burning out. Managers often talk about their volume of email, voice mail, projects, meetings, and many hours worked. Is that bragging or complaining? One of the big reasons typical managers are caught up in their "busyness" cycle is because it makes them feel important. They are at the center of the action. They are making it happen. They get the adrenaline rush of urgent heroic problem-solving that saves the day for their poor hapless team.

Leaders spend much less time personally solving problems. They invest their time in making sure that the right problems are being solved. Here's how we might rewrite The Lone Ranger script for a leader rather than a heroic manager:

Responding to the call for help, the Lone Ranger rides into town, gets down off his high horse, takes off his mask, and facilitates a process by which the townspeople solve the crisis for themselves. He gets to know the people and matches their strengths and abilities to established performance targets. After seeing them through the crisis, he rides out of town, with the townspeople saying, "Hey, we solved this ourselves."

When the next problem arose, the townspeople might still call for the Lone Ranger, but in an advisory capacity; they would be more likely to handle the crisis within the team. Each time they handled their own problems, they would increase their ability to identify and eliminate the root causes, their capacity to work as a team, and their level of confidence. Eventually the Lone Ranger and Tonto would join the lonely Maytag Repairman, flipping playing cards into their hats as they swap stories around the campfire.

Of course, the "leader version" of the Lone Ranger wouldn't make very good television. It's less dramatic and action packed. The hero doesn't save the day. Heading off problems and solving root causes leads to less pressure-packed "excitement." Getting teams to share the workload and become more self-sufficient reduces the short-term adrenaline rush. It totally shifts the team leader's role and focus.

The fact is that organizations need both management and leadership. Ultimately it depends on the situation. There are times when the manager needs to ride into town, take control, issue commands, and solve the problem immediately. Indeed, to do otherwise in such cases might be seen as an abdication of responsibility. But such actions are generally needed only as a short-term response in times of crisis. If managers stay in crisis mode continuously, they weaken their teams, increase their own workload, multiply dependence on them, kill commitment and ownership, and reduce partnering. Personal, team, and organization growth is stunted.

Bride Blog43895
Catherina Blog58284

Finding An Art Gallery Dealer Online

With the advancement of technology and the ever increasing popularity of the internet, it is very easy to find out almost anything you want to know without leaving the comfort of your own home. This is certainly true if you are looking to find an art gallery dealer online. Whether you are looking to buy or sell, you'll gain access to hundreds of websites within minutes by just having a quick search in your favourite search engine.

Just go to Google for instance and type in "art gallery dealer" in the search box and you'll be presented with a list of literally hundreds of sites you can browse through for free. You're sure to find details of dealers in your area that you can contact instantly.

A huge advantage if you are buying, is that you don't have to physically visit any galleries to make a decision. You can view art online and look at many pictures before you then decide whether you want to visit that particular gallery. This saves you hours of needless gallery searching. You can simply find a picture you like online, then visit the gallery to view it more closely.

Or if you want to take a chance, you can probably also order online, without having to visit the gallery at all!

Many art gallery dealers will have art from different artists. They will generally have an online gallery where you can browse through their work to get a good feel of their style and competance. Then you can contact the gallery for more information or even contact the artists themselves for a better deal. Whichever way you choose, finding an art gallery dealer online is sure to save you lots of time and money.

You'll find that many of them also have different types of artwork including paintings, portraits, sculptures, sketches and lots more.

You'll gain and great knowledge of pricing and what you can buy for your money within just a couple of hours online. The best part is it's free and you can do it in your pyjamas sat at home!

Ben Wood owns and operates Amara Blog25866
Anallise Blog98955

Eating Can Be An Adventure - Keep It Interesting, Simple, Healthful, And Fun

I have been preparing my own meals for many years. Like most people, I suppose, I would fix only familiar dishes.

That has changed. For health benefits, I began eating more fruits and vegetables, including some that were unfamiliar. I tried many foods that were new to me, for example, whole grains, and various types of beans, seeds and nuts. Many of those became favorites.

I began to more often use unfamiliar ways to prepare food. A few of my favorites are pesto (pureed greens and oil), raw foods that are normally eaten cooked, and unusual combinations such as bread with peanut butter, covered with pizza sauce. Eating became more interesting, more enjoyable, and more of an adventure.

The circumstances of my life encouraged more changes. Making do with a small amount of money gave me a liking for oatmeal, beans, and other very low-cost foods. Growing up on a farm and having a garden each year provided new fruits and vegetables to try and enjoy. Having been raised to 'waste not, want not', helped me not to pass up unusual foods: gifts such as my sister's 'beans 'n' greens', the landlord's pierogies, and my son's homemade deer jerky. The point is: The changes in my diet gave me more foods to enjoy. I now know that I can like a great many unfamiliar foods. At first some of those foods may not be enjoyed because they are so different and are unrecognized as a 'goody'. For me, that recognition is typically made gradually by many small trials. Once that recognition is made, the food 'hits the spot' and can be nutritious, healthy and convenient. Then I have yet another food to enjoy.

The process of trying new foods and having them become enjoyed fare, makes eating an adventure. Eating becomes more interesting and more enjoyed. Meals become more than a time to enjoy what I have enjoyed before. Awareness is heightened by experiencing the unfamiliar. There is anticipation of discovery of a new enjoyment. Meals become pay-off times of previous experimentation efforts. The food is more appreciated for having creative effort invested in it. Perhaps I have gained a health benefit, saved some prep time, saved money that can be used for some other purpose, and have added to my repertoire of pleasure.

A cookbook will give you ideas about what new foods to try. A recipe book about a particular ethnic food or some other unfamiliar category of food would be particularly helpful. Buy one or get one from the library. Some ethnic categories are Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian, African, soul food, Southern, and Mexican. Other categories are health food, quick and easy recipes, weight loss diets, vegetarian recipes, and using food from the garden. You might even enjoy some obscure categories such as pioneer/early American food, Native American food, wild food, early European food, food from storage, and low cost food. I particularly like quick and easy recipe books.

If you need help becoming comfortable with trying new foods, try small changes:

- Eat breakfast foods at lunch or supper. Or try a vegetable at breakfast. If you normally have a sandwich at bedtime, have a salad instead.

- Try different brands from the ones you normally use.

- Leave out one or more ingredients from your standard recipes. Or change the proportions - a little more of this or a little less of that.

- Substitute a similar ingredient for a usual ingredient, for instance, orange juice concentrate or lemon juice instead of vinegar on a salad.

- It may help to eat smaller portions but include a greater number of foods at each meal. That may help you develop a liking for variety.

- Try unusual combinations such as cooked chicken and raw fruit cut in small pieces and mixed together...or pizza sauce on a peanut butter open-face sandwich...or a teaspoon of honey or pancake syrup on a dark green, leafy salad.

Salads are great to experiment with. Many vegetables can be enjoyed in a salad. Try various amounts and combinations of carrot, tomato, cabbage, broccoli, bell pepper, cucumber, or other vegetables you enjoy. Use other types of greens: romaine lettuce, Bibb lettuce, collards, mache and basil. Dressing can be just oil, pesto, syrup, tomato sauce, ketchup, fruit juices, mayonnaise, peanut butter softened with oil, and even jam or jelly.

The subtle flavors of many vegetables are easily hidden with anything more than tiny amounts of vinegar, lemon juice and tomato sauce. Try a salad without any dressing to enjoy the full flavor of the vegetables. The vegetables can be proportioned to subdue or enhance particular flavors - use less basil to lessen its pungent flavor, use more carrot to boost its flavor and texture. Other salad ingredients can be nuts, peanuts, coconut, cereal, baked beans, and fruit.

Use small quantities of an untested food to begin with until you know how well your body deals with it. The body will adapt to some foods over a period of weeks or months but results vary from food to food and, I suppose, from individual to individual. A couple of years ago eating one spear of raw asparagus was more than I could tolerate. Now I can cut up an ounce of raw asparagus and add it to a salad without any problem. Any food has limits; it's just that raw foods tend to have smaller limits and more immediate penalties for exceeding the limits.

To develop a liking for a new food, eat it at the beginning of a meal when you are most hungry. Being hungry greatly improves ones ability to appreciate the taste of a food. Eat only a small amount of the new food at each sitting. For some foods, a tiny bite, just enough to sense its flavor, is enough to handle at first. Don't give up easily on a food that at first seems too strange to be enjoyed. Some foods will require dozens of 'get acquainted' trials.

Other strategies for liking new foods:

- Read about nutrition and health to know the benefits of a changed diet.

- Make a decision to increase the pleasure in your life. Your success in enjoying new foods will encourage you to try other kinds of new pleasures.

Have reasons in mind to try unusual foods:

- to be able to enjoy healthy foods.

- to enjoy low-prep-time foods.

- to use what you can grow in your garden.

- for the satisfaction of acquiring new pleasures.

- to increase your enjoyment of eating.

Know why liking new foods is difficult. This is the know-your-enemy principle. It seems to help me. People have an instinctive protection against eating toxic foods. Nature has provided you with mistrust for new, unfamiliar food. If the food is enough different from what you are used to, it will not be immediately liked. This is a necessary instinct that keeps you from poisoning yourself by eating the wrong mushroom, for example. Evolution along with chemistry eliminated the gulp-down-anything individuals from our gene pool. The little-by-little taste-developers survived.

If it's the sugar, salt and spices you depend upon to enjoy food, other flavors will go unappreciated. To help your fondness for new foods come easier, ease up on spices, salt, and sugar. That encourages your taste to appreciate a greater variety of flavors. You then can more appreciate the sweetness of cherry tomatoes, the sweetness of raw pumpkin, and the sweetness of sweet potatoes, for example. You can enjoy the mild flavor of raw chestnuts, the richness of nuts, and the subtle starchiness of cereal grains. Your palate will be more adept at experiencing the pleasures of subtle flavors. A great many foods that previously seemed mostly tasteless, can then be enjoyed for their unique flavors.

Your enjoyment of strong tasting food will also be helped by reducing sugar and salt use. You will be switching from depending on saltiness and sweetness to getting pleasure from other flavors.

Finding new foods:

- Browse at a health food store, a farmers market or an ethnic food festival.

- Take the time to look at all the items at a local supermarket.

- Browse at local ethnic food markets: Middle Eastern or Greek, for example.

- Try raw foods, whole grains and other unprocessed foods. Typically, they have more texture and flavor. These foods are higher in fiber and so produce more intestinal gas. Limit portion size to reduce gas production. Load up when gas will not be a problem. I allow myself to pig-out at a before bedtime meal. If the meal is low in calories, that large meal doesn't keep me from having a good night's sleep.

- Use native plants foraged from lawns, fence lines, and woodlands; and growing as weeds in gardens. Know what you are doing, there are poisonous plants that resemble edible ones. A few plants are toxic even when eaten in small quantities.

- Do your own cooking. Restaurants have menus that appeal to a majority of people, not to people wanting something different. Even the person who cooks for their own family may be unlikely to prepare other than familiar and popular food.

- Have a garden, if you have the time and space. Every year I can try out new recipes and a new vegetable or two. Otherwise, take advantage of the variety the large supermarkets offer.

A few unusual recipes can be found at

Alan Detwiler writes about ways he has found to pursue playfulness and a sense of wonder. His web site,, encourages people to discover new ways to enjoy themselves. His books are available in digital format and can be purchased and downloaded on the eBookMall web site. Go to Then do a search for Detwiler.Catherine Blog14941
Carleen Blog93779

Self-Care for Adults with ADD: Put On Your Oxygen Mask

Take a moment to think about what happens when you get on an airplane. Before the plane takes off, the flight attendants outline safety procedures and inform you that, should the oxygen masks drop down, you must put yours on before you help anyone else. This is an excellent metaphor for self-care.

Many adults with ADD skimp on self-care. It's not easy to balance the many demands of family, career, health, friends, and personal interests. Add ADD to that mix and you can get some very overwhelmed and overworked adults who sacrifice their own self-care in order to take care of everyone else -- and everything else -- around them.

Never feel guilty for putting on your oxygen mask and practicing self-care! When you take care of yourself, you function at a higher level. When you function at a higher level, you find yourself less overwhelmed and more prepared to deal with your ADD challenges, as well as the stresses of everyday life.

And when you are able to better manage and balance all the aspects of your life, there is much more quality you' available to the people around you.

There are many components of self-care that one must pay attention to. Here are 3 very important elements:

The Basics: On average, do you get the sleep, nutrients, and exercise that your body requires? Sometimes, too little sleep can make you sluggish, but too much sleep can make you groggy. Excess sugar and caffeine can make you moody and speedy. And too little or too much exercise may leave you feeling tired.

It's difficult for most adults (with and without ADD) to balance proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise at all times, but most people agree that the more time they spend paying attention to healthy habits, the better they feel.

Medical Care: Some people choose to take ADD medication, and some people don't. This aspect of self-care isn't about medication. It's about your doctors -- from your general practitioner to your dentist!

Do you like your doctors? Do you feel at ease with them? Do you feel comfortable asking questions? Doctors are experts in human care, and in order to practice good self-care, you must have some great doctors on your side. This doesn't always come easy. It can take some time to find a doctor with whom you are comfortable, but it's worth the effort. You are worth the effort.

Mental Care: The Most Important Part By now you may be thinking that while all these aspects of self-care seem like common sense, they are a lot easier said than done. When you live life feeling chronically overwhelmed, it's very difficult to find the time to put these ideas into action. Here's what you can do to set yourself up for success: take time out.

Schedule in "down time" every single day to help keep your batteries charged. Retreat from the chaos of daily life and allow yourself time to relax - alone. Even if you spend only five minutes a day meditating, walking, or just sitting quietly, it will allow you to slow your thoughts and will help you get centered.

Then, when you feel centered, take it a step further and express yourself! Journal, paint, sing, talk to your plants, or do whatever it is that allows you to express your feelings and emotions! Finding healthy ways of self-expression will help free your mind and allow you to spend more energy focusing on the other aspects of self-care.

The next time you find yourself cutting corners on your self-care to focus on the needs of others, remember that you can't be much help to anyone until you put on your oxygen mask!

Jennifer Koretsky is the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of the ADD Management Group, LLC. Jennifer and her team work with ADD adults who are overwhelmed with everyday life in order to help them simplify, focus, and succeed. For free resources and more information, visit .Almire Blog25954
Belia Blog50399

Jaguars XJs Halt Sale Caused By Fuel Leaks

Jaguar Cars has recently ordered its dealers around the world to cease selling some 2006 and 2007 XJ sedans due to massive gasoline leaks from their fuel tanks. In view of this action, Jaguar notified its US and Canadian dealers of the so called quarantine.

Quarantine forbids Jaguar dealers from selling new or used XJs with identification numbers G49701 through H13209. The order followed the opening of an investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Investigation was initiated because several US customers reported to the agency that their garage floors were "flooded with gasoline" after every fill-ups. According to most of the reports filed in NHTSA, the leaks are from the fuel tank of the cars, not the filler pipe or fuel lines running to the engine. Said leaks occurred immediately after refueling or a day subsequent.

Tim Watson, Jaguar spokesman, said that Jaguar is researching the matter. He said he did not know how many vehicles are in the VIN range or how many in the range may have faulty fuel tanks. Watson was unable to identify whether the discrepancy is a manufacturer issue or a supplier one. He was also uncertain about the number of affected XJs which are already sold to customers. So far, there have been no reported repair measures coming from Jaguar. Nonetheless, the action does not yet comprise a recall.

Watson added that Jaguars Cars is talking with the fuel tank's supplier, TI Automotive, to determine the cause of the leaks. On the other hand, TI Automotive's North American office in Warren, Michigan made an inquiry to its headquarters in Oxford, England. Nevertheless, said office did not respond to such inquiry.

In the meantime, since the root cause of the leaks is not determined yet and the solutions cannot be ascertained, Jaguar XJs will be having a halt sale. Said automaker will still be checking on its Jaguar XJ Series parts as well as other XJ car parts to preclude this predicament from recurring.

Michelle Crimson holds a degree in business administration. She is currently working as an editor in New Orleans, Louisiana. This 32 year old mother of two is also a car racing fanatic. Cassandry Blog91750
Casie Blog49832

3 Reasons to Secure Your Own Domain Name - Even if it means Buying Cheap Web Hosting Services

When starting an online business, you might be tempted to use one of those "free" web page hosting services. You should beware of these plans if you want to build a successful web business. Having your own domain name is extremely important - even if it means buying cheap web hosting services! Here are three solid reasons you should secure your own domain name.

1. Build Trust with Customers

When visitors arrive at your site, they want to know that your company is legitimate and that it is there to stay. With your own domain name you reveal that you are in it for the long haul. For the mere price of cheap web hosting through a virtual host, you can have your own domain name and site up and running for as little as $20 or less as an initial investment. Some low cost hosting packages are as low as $5 or $6 per month!

It's well worth the investment to establish your own domain name and pay a small monthly fee for cheap web hosting. When you gain the trust of visitors, it's much easier to turn them into paying customers.

2. Freedom in Your Web Design

With your own domain name, you have total freedom to design your site the way you want. Even virtual hosts that offer cheap web hosting will give you the freedom to use the type of web design that will work best for your business. If you need to use PHP in your web design, you can easily find a low cost web hosting package that offers PHP integration. If you need to add MySQL databases to your site, you can find web site hosting packages with this feature included.

Another reason you need freedom to design your site is so you can test different designs and presentations to see which gets the most response from your visitors. Even with cheap web hosting, you can test almost unlimited presentations any time you want!

3. Maximize Your Promotion Efforts

When you secure your own domain name, you have complete freedom in your promotions. Many search engines, directories and other promotional sites will frown at "free" hosted sites. When you use a free web page hosting service, your site pages are placed on a website along with many other types of businesses. The search engines will not recognize your site as being a unique entity. They might even lump your site into categories with other sites that are using the free service. This wounds your promotional efforts tremendously, and you end up wasting time and money.

You'll actually save money in the long run with your own domain hosting. By securing a domain name and taking advantage of cheap web hosting, you can promote your site to the fullest.

Even with cheap web hosting packages, you can still receive a wealth of features and benefits such as email accounts, auto responders, PHP and MySQL capabilities, password protected directories and even reseller hosting opportunities.

Use these tips to start building your web business today!

Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at: http://www.majon.comBirgit Blog42957
Annabelle Blog89673

Cheers (Season 2) DVD Review

One of the greatest television comedies in history, Cheers is an absolute "must see" for anyone who's ever had a regular hangout "where everybody knows your name". The shows centers itself around the friendly neighborhood Boston bar named Cheers. The bar is owned by former Boston Red Sox relief pitcher Sam Malone (Ted Danson). Sam has three employees - bartender Ernie "Coach" Pantusso (Nicholas Colasanto) and waitresses Carla Tortelli (Rhea Pearlman) and Diane Chambers (Shelley Long). Regular barflies Norm Peterson (George Wendt) and Cliff Clavin (John Ratzenberger) round out a strong supporting cast.

The Cheers (Season 2) DVD offers a number of hilarious episodes and ignites Sam and Diane's long-lasting, on-again/off-again romance. This is also the first season in which Cliff Clavin is an "opening-credits" member of the cast (even though he appeared in most of season one's episodes). Guest appearances by Fred Dryer (of Hunter fame), Dick Cavett, Harry Anderson (of Night Court fame), and Christopher Lloyd (of Taxi and Back To The Future fame) make for some memorable comic sequences. The season ends with Sam and Diane's romance on shaky ground

Below is a list of episodes included on the Cheers (Season 2) DVD:

Episode 23 (Power Play) Air Date: 09-29-1983
Episode 24 (Little Sister Don't Cha) Air Date: 10-13-1983
Episode 25 (Personal Business) Air Date: 10-20-1983
Episode 26 (Homicidal Ham) Air Date: 10-27-1983
Episode 27 (Sumner's Return) Air Date: 11-03-1983
Episode 28 (Affairs of the Heart) Air Date: 11-10-1983
Episode 29 (Old Flames) Air Date: 11-17-1983
Episode 30 (Manager Coach) Air Date: 11-24-1983
Episode 31 (They Called Me Mayday) Air Date: 12-01-1983
Episode 32 (How Do I Love Thee, Let Me Call You Back) Air Date: 12-08-1983
Episode 33 (Just Three Friends) Air Date: 12-15-1983
Episode 34 (Where There's A Will) Air Date: 12-22-1983
Episode 35 (Battle of the Exes) Air Date: 01-05-1984
Episode 36 (No Help Wanted) Air Date: 01-12-1984
Episode 37 (And Coachie Makes Three) Air Date: 01-19-1984
Episode 38 (Cliff's Rocky Moment) Air Date: 01-26-1984
Episode 39 (Fortune and Men's Weight) Air Date: 02-02-1984
Episode 40 (Snow Job) Air Date: 02-09-1984
Episode 41 (Coach Buries a Grudge) Air Date: 02-16-1984
Episode 42 (Norman's Conquest) Air Date: 02-23-1984
Episode 43 (I'll Be Seeing You: Part 1) Air Date: 05-03-1984
Episode 44 (I'll Be Seeing You: Part 2) Air Date: 05-10-1984

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find where you can find more reviews of movies and TV series. Source: Blog4729
Amelita Blog81166

Marketing Tips

I wanted to share some general tips relating to graphic design for small businesses:

Always include an address on your business card, even if you are operating a small business out of your home-it greatly increases your credibility and makes you look much more established! If you're concerned about privacy, a Post Office box is a great way to go. When signing up for a Post Office box, consider using a "Mailboxes" store instead of the Post Office-you'll get a street address instead of the typical "P.O. Box", and the store will accept shipped packages from UPS, FedEx and other carriers for you, so you won't need to give out your home address as a shipping address.

Never be caught anywhere without business cards again! Carry a supply of cards in your car so that if you can restock when purse or wallet stash runs out. The same applies for brochures, articles, promotional postcards, samples, informational flyers, and presentation folders with information about your company and capabilities-you never know when you'll have an opportunity to hand them out!

Look for ways to make producing your designed materials less expensive. Need a business card and brochure? Why not combine the two into a folding business card and save on the printing costs? Is your logo designed in so many colors that printing becomes too costly? Try having materials printed digitally by an online printing house like or're often much more cost-effective for materials printed on white paper stock. If you want to print on a specialty paper, consider converting your logo to a one- or two-color version just for your printed materials-unlimited colors on a website don't cost extra! We're always thinking up creative ways to save our clients money, and we're happy to offer many more suggestions like these based on your individual needs-just contact us with your questions.

Do you want the professionalism of having a printed letterhead, but don't expect to write 500 letters (the minimum quantity for most printers)? There are two options to avoid this: Design a letterhead that can act as a base for your printed invoices, flyers, report or proposal covers, articles, client intake documents and everything else! This way, all of your materials will be professionally branded-and you'll go through "all that letterhead" quicker than you think! Or, recreate your letterhead design as a Microsoft Word template, so that you can print sheets one at a time from your desktop printer. Just pick up a ream of specialty paper from the local office supply warehouse to avoid that "home printed" look.

If you frequently drive for your business, or if your parking spot happens to be on a busy street, make the most of it by having a set of car magnets designed and printed with your logo, phone number and website address on them-they make a big impact, spread the word all over town and, after the initial investment, it's free publicity!

We hope these tips help you promote your business.

Erin Ferree is a brand identity and marketing design strategist who creates big visibility for small businesses. Through her customized marketing and brand identity packages, Erin helps her clients discover their brand differentiators, then designs logos, business cards, and other marketing materials and websites to reflect that differentiation, as well as to increase credibility and memorability. http://www.elf-design.comArabele Blog33244
Carolan Blog93399

Certification Requirements for Beginning IT Professionals

Those who are interested in going to work in the information technology field are probably aware that certifications are very important. When hiring IT workers, employers frequently look for candidates who have specific certifications.

For entry-level positions, employers want to see certifications that validate that applicants truly have basic skills and an aptitude for IT work. Some companies will not even consider hiring entry-level candidates who do not have at least one professional certification. Even in cases where certification isnt mandatory, it is certainly something IT employers view favorably.

Which Certifications Do I Need?

There are many different types of IT skills and jobs. Accordingly, there are many different certifications, each of which validates a specific skill set. The type of certification that you will need depends upon a number of factors, including: the industry you want to enter, the geographic location where you want to work, a companys requirements, your background, and many other variables.

Popular Entry-Level Certifications:

Some of the most popular certifications for entry-level computer technical support professionals include:

* Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
* CompTIA Network+
* CompTIA Security+
* CompTIA A+
* Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

Keep in mind that this is not an all-inclusive list of entry-level IT certifications. Be sure to research your geographic market, industry, and type of position desired to learn which types of certifications will be the most beneficial to you.

How Do I Get Certified?

Before you take a certification exam, it is a good idea to make sure that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful. There are a number of different practice tests for most certification exams. These practice tests can give you an idea of whether or not you are ready to sit for certification, or if you need to complete additional training prior to testing.

If you do need additional training, check out your options for online training as well as instructor-led training in your local area. Once you have the skills you need, then it may be time to register for your chosen exam.

Each vendor has different policies, fees, and requirements. Most IT certification exams are available at your local PearsonVUE testing center. Choose a convenient, comfortable testing center that meets your needs. Exam vendors frequently offer special pricing and promotions, so you should check for the best deals on certification testing vouchers. Your local testing center is often a good resource for information about the best deals on test vouchers.

Randall Olson is Director of Certification Testing, IT Training, and Online Learning at Mobile Technical Institute He also works with MTI Business Solutions, providing marketing, writing, and SEO consulting services to a wide variety of clients. Catlee Blog38909
Alina Blog33782

Energy Drinks are taking everybody by storm, including Investors and Businesspeople

Energy Drinks, Vitamin Waters, Infused Waters, all New Age Beverages, are the focus of attention for consumers, entrepreneurs and even investors.

I'm seeing many new companies and new products every single day; and those are the ones that call me. Imagine all the ones all over the world.

Now more than ever, with the sale of Vitamin Water for 4.1 Billion Dollars, individuals, investors and companies want to go into the "New Age Beverages".

So what exactly are New Age Beverages? Well, this is a new category within the Beverage Industry that covers the new style of beverages. This new "category" is growing and changing. Before only Energy Drinks and really new innovative beverages where part of the category. Now the category has evolved and you can include enhanced water, tea's, diet drinks, iced coffee and really, any new drink. Every beverage company want's to be associated with the "New Age" category because not just because it's sexier but because the category is growing quicker and investors are looking at it up close.

You have to realize that Vitamin Water is not the first company to get big cash for their brand. There are beverage companies being funded every day, and more being bought and sold from large companies. Many companies that you now think as the market leaders started not long ago as start-ups.

You see many companies in the news being funded, many new entrepreneurs, investors, actors, signers, sports stars launching products.

Other companies like Reeds Beverage, Who's Your Daddy, Jones Soda and Hensen with Monster Energy Drink access funding through the public markets. These and many others are public companies traded in the New York Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ or the OTC (Over the Counter).

I get a lot of calls from entrepreneurs starting their energy drinks and many more from investors looking to invest in companies or performing due diligence. I get hundreds of calls every month from Energy Drink or other beverage companies or just people wanting to start their beverage. The industry is growing and the category is growing even faster.

Why are these drinks growing at 50% per year or more? Why do we see so many waters, energy drinks, hydrating products, etc. on the market today? The answer is easy. Consumers are demanding more and more drinks. People now idendify with their drinks. They are fashion accesories, they are lifestile accesories. They want organic drinks, sugary drinks, healthy drinks and every type of drink to fit their personality, and style.

Entrepreneurs and Investors are going into New Age Beverages because the demand is there and the profits are very high, very high. This is one of the characteristics that are shared all New Age Beverages, they all have high profit margins. How high are the margins? Well, you can make up to $24 Gross Profit per case. Yes, this is for one case. Imagine selling just one truckload of beverages or around 1,600 cases with this profit. Could you see selling truckloads and truckloads per month!

++Some advice before you start your venture:++

-Don't just focus on the drink, focus on the whole package (I get a lot of phone calls and emails telling me they have a better tasting drink than Rockstar, Red Bull and Monster Energy Drink).

-No Promotion before Distribution. Don't fall into the Energy Drink Promotion Trap. Remember, you have to concentrate on your Distributor and Retail Packages. Sell first, then push product off the shelves.

-Learn your Financials. Figure out how much it takes to start and sell your new drink before you go and produce 5,000 cases.

For more information on Energy Drinks visit and subscribe to Jorge Olson newsletter to learn how to start and sell your Energy Drink.Angela Blog97741
Asia Blog25363

I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Emilia-Romagna Region

Emilia-Romagna stretches from the Ligurian border in northeastern Italy to the Adriatic Sea. As the name indicates, historically it was composed of two regions, Emilia and Romagna. It may be the only region of Italy named for a road, one constructed by the Ancient Romans almost 2200 years ago. It is one of the most prosperous regions of Italy with strong agricultural, industrial, and tourist economic activity. Its total population is about 3.9 million.

Emilia-Romagna produces a very wide variety of pasta, fruits and vegetables, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, cheese, and fresh and cured meats. Two of its biggest stars are a cheese, Parmigiano Regianno, and a ham, Prosciutto di Parma. Parmesan cheese as its known in English, was mentioned by the famous Italian author of the Fourteenth Century, Giovanni Boccaccio. We review it below. Parma ham, as its known in English, is an uncooked ham that is dry cured for at least ten months. Usually it is served in very thin slices, often as appetizer with melon.

Bologna whose population is about 375,000 is the administrative center of Emilia-Romagna. It is the home of the first university in the Western World, founded in the 11th Century. Bologna is also considered the capital of Italian gastronomy, in spite of its unfortunate association with a low-quality sandwich meat. Another city of interest is Rimini, a resort center on the Adriatic Sea with a population of 135 thousand.

Emilia-Romagna devotes about 178,000 acres to grapevines, it ranks 5th among the 20 Italian regions. Its total annual wine production is about 125 million gallons, giving it a 4th place. About 57% of the wine production is red, leaving 43% for white. The region produces 18 DOC wines. DOC stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata, which may be translated as Denomination of Controlled Origin, presumably a high-quality wine and 1 DOCG white wine, Albana di Romagna. The G in DOCG stands for Garantita, but there is in fact no guarantee that such wines are truly superior. In fact, while this wine was the first white wine to be accorded the DOCG designation in Italy (1987), many feel that Albana di Romagna does not deserve such an award. (I have never tasted this wine, and from the reviews that Ive read, Im in no hurry to taste it.) About 21% of Emilia-Romagna wine carries the DOC or DOCG designation. Emilia-Romagna is home to more than four dozen major and secondary grape varieties, a few more red than white.

Widely grown international white grape varieties include Malvasia and Trebbiano. The best known strictly Italian white varieties are Albana (source of the DOCG wine) and Pignoletto.

Cabernet Sauvignon is the only widely grown international red grape variety. The best known strictly Italian red variety is Bonarda. The Italian red varieties Barbera and Sangiovese are found elsewhere, including California.

Before we reviewing the Emilia-Romagna wine and cheese that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region.

Start with Gelato di Parmigiano, Parmigiano Ice Cream, which includes heavy cream and grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, suggested as an appetizer.

A more traditional dish is Scaloppine di Vitello alla Bolognese, Veal Scaloppine all Bolognese, which also includes Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, as well as other local specialties Prosciutto di Parma and balsamic vinegar.

For dessert (as if the ice cream wasnt a dessert) try Torta Bonissima, a Honey and Nut Pie.

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY While we have communicated with well over a thousand Italian wine producers and merchants to help prepare these articles, our policy is clear. All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed

Donini Lamberti Trebbiano-Chardonnay IGT 2005 12% alcohol about $8 (liter)

Everybody has prejudices. I approached this bottle with several of them. It seems to me that a liter of wine is usually too big, accentuating quantity at the expense of quality. Given the economics of the wine industry, I am usually reticent to purchase a bottle for $8, which would be $6 for a regular-sized bottle. And finally while Emilia-Romagna is often known for its red wines, it is not particularly known for its white wines, with an unfortunate exception, the DOCG wine Albana di Romagna, discussed above. And now to the actual wine.

The first time that I drank this wine I found that its taste was one of green apples, dominating everything else but still light on flavor if not unpleasant. It didnt really accompany the food, a breaded chicken cutlet in sweet and sour sauce with potatoes cooked in chicken fat. As the wine aged a bit, (it takes a long time to finish a liter if you dont care to drink very much at a time) it got better instead of worse. I have read that 3.5 million bottles of this type wine are produced yearly. I understand that it is popular in fish restaurants along the Adriatic Sea. Id love to find out for sure. Final verdict, not bad for the price.

Parmigiano-Reggiano is a cooked, unpressed semi-fat hard cheese made from raw cows milk. It is encased in a thin, yellow rind. This cheese is finely grained and very flaky. Its taste is delicate and fragrant, and frankly wasted with a wine of this quality.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. His wine website is . You can reach him at Blog34291
Camala Blog71659

Community College Is An Excellent Educational Bargain

It's not news to anyone that college costs are skyrocketing. The average cost of one year at a private college or university has risen to a shocking $31,465. It's no wonder that parents and students look at that number and wonder whether a college degree is in their reach at all. However, many families overlook the tremendous costs savings that could be achieved by attending a community college for two years. Tuition at community college is typically half that of a public institution and just one-tenth that of a private institution.

For many years, community colleges fought the image that they were the last resort for students who couldn't get in anywhere else and that their programs were not as challenging or comprehensive and those at larger colleges universities. Today, however, community colleges are thriving centers that not only provide state-of-the-art career education, but also provide a high-quality educational foundation for students who wish to transfer to a college or university after two years.

Because most colleges and universities, regardless of size, require students to take core courses in their first two years before choosing a major, taking these courses at the community college level will save money. Additionally, core courses at the university level are often held in large lecture halls with hundreds of students. At community colleges, class sizes rarely exceed 30 students. So, paradoxically, community college students receive more individualized attention yet pay much less for that privilege.

Instructors at the community college level are required to hold a Master's degree in their instructional area. Some have pointed to this as evidence that community colleges cannot provide the same quality of instruction as colleges and universities that employ professors with Doctoral degrees. However, very few of those professors actually teach the core courses that students take during their first two years of college. Additionally, community college instructors often have real-world employment experience that gives them a more practical perspective than university professors, who are immersed in the world of academia.

Transferring to a larger institution at the end of two years at community college is often easier than being admitted as a Freshman. Also, many states guarantee admission to their state colleges and universities to community college graduates who maintain a certain grade point average. Even prestigious Ivy League colleges like Harvard, Yale and Brown have accepted transfer students from community colleges.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog44555
Cathe Blog24149

Using Your Veteran Benefits is Academically Beneficial

As a former military service member, you now plan to attend college at a four or two year institution. You are not quite sure of how to get started using your veterans benefits or how many years you have to utilize your VA benefits. These benefits may somewhat vary depending upon the university or college you plan on attending. Below are some documents needed by schools (VA Campus Service) from you or your dependents to receive funding to assist you in degree completion?

An application that is utilized for Chapters 30, 31, 35, 1606 and 1607. Chapter 30-for the veterans using benefits, Chapter 31-for veterans using vocational rehabilitation with a percentage of disability, Chapter 35-for dependents such as spouse, children and qualified adopted children, 1606 & 1607-for reservist using benefits.

Discharge Copy of your DD214-Copy number (4)-when leaving the military or copy of your NOBE-as a Reservist-Notice Of Basic Eligibility

For dependent usage of veterans benefits spouse should submit a copy of marriage certificate, qualified dependents should submit a copy of their birth certificate.

Veteran or dependents should declare a major of intent to the department in which they plan to matriculate in. This copy should also be submitted to the VA school official.

The veteran or dependents need to also submit a copy of their letter of acceptance from the Admissions Office to the certified veteran official for benefits.

Finally, if veterans or dependents have attended a university or college previously, these transcripts should also be submitted to the VA official. As a former member of the military you have ten years from the date of leaving the military to use your military benefits.

Once all these documents are submitted to your certified veterans official, new enrollees can began receiving benefits within sixty to ninety days.

Please keep in mind these documents maybe somewhat similar and different depending on the institution of choice. They are used as guidelines for submitting information in applying for VA Benefits only. Check with your school VA Officer for direct information.

Robert Crawford III is an author of several publications listed on and multi-publishing sites; he is also working towards publishing childrens books. He is a Business Consultant, Academic Advisor and a PhD Candidate studying at Capella University in the School of Business Technology. He and business partner Kay White of VandarPoole Consulting can be reached at the business website or at (910)-483-1427 Cairistiona Blog22259
Brunhilde Blog46917

Golf Vacations: What You Need To Know

Vacation time is here! Pack up your clothes. Pack up your shoes. Pack up your toothbrush, toothpaste, and some sunscreen. And, of course, don't forget to pack the most important thing of all: your golf bag. Welcome to Golf Vacation 101. Let's take a look at some things to consider when planning the golf vacation of your dreams.

Well, we may as well get the bad stuff taken out of the way first and confront question number one:

How much vacation money do you have saved?

I know, I know... you probably don't have a fortune saved up for your golf vacation. After all, you just finished paying for a new Hybrid club and then there were those Christmas presents you had to buy a few months ago...

But whatever the case - no matter how much money you do or don't have - you can find a golf vacation that's just right for you. If you do happen to have a lot to spend to get away, you would be wise to go where the warm weather beckons golfers from all across the world. How about the southern United States? California? The Virgin Islands? Hawaii? Why, you could see a volcano or three while you tee up on the green.

But if you don't have the funds available for extravagant vacations such as these, (remember, not only do you have to pay golf fees, but you must also cover hotel stay, transportation, food, and other activities) you could take a much cheaper vacation. If you live on the East Coast of the United States, you could drive yourself and a few friends to a golf club a few hours south to play for a few days. Granted, it may not be a resort-like atmosphere, but if you are there strictly for the golf, that shouldn't even matter!

Are you bringing non-golfers on your trip?

If you are bringing along girlfriends, boyfriends, friends, or family members who don't want to golf but who do want to get away with you, you should try to chose a golf place that is close to other attractions such as shopping malls, amusement parks, movie theatres, or beaches. Many golf resorts even offer packages that allow you and your guests to 'stay and play'. Most of these resorts offer packages to save you money on room and greens fees. Look at all of the ins and outs and read between the fine lines of the packages you are looking into before making a final decision about which place to choose. This way, you won't be the only one who gets to have fun on the vacation. And, while your family stays entertained, this makes more and more time for you to tee up!

Is your potential vacation course challenging enough for you?

If you are concerned about having an overly difficult or not-difficult-enough course to play on while you vacation, realize that most golf resorts offer a variety of courses available to choose from. After all, these places realize that all golfers have different abilities, likes, and dislikes. If you are very concerned though, it never hurts to speak with people from the resort by phone, or even talk to past guests that you know stayed in the same place. A little opinion can go a far way!

Finally, make sure that you enjoy your vacation and your golf. Typically vacation time comes around only once a year for most people. So make the most of your fun in the sun!


Perhaps the most basic consideration when choosing destinations and courses is the difficulty level of the courses you're considering. Generally speaking, many fine golf destinations have a variety of courses available, which will allow golfers of various abilities to enjoy themselves, so this factor may impact more which courses you choose rather than which destination you decide upon.

Weather, Seasons, and Related Concerns:

On the flip side, if you or your group eats, sleeps and plays golf while traveling, assuming the handicap and letter of introduction requirements do not pose a problem, traveling to the U.K. during the summer months can be a golfer's dream, since the sun in that part of the world does not set until as late as 10 or 11 p.m. and rises again by 4 or 5 a.m. This allows for 36 holes a day, with daylight to spare for other activities.

Off Season?

Many golf travelers like to save money by traveling off-season. This is a great idea, provided they've thought about the drawbacks as they pertain to them. Some golfers don't mind playing in the rain, heat, or the wind, and their or their companions' age or health is not a factor. For example, prices are down sharply in Florida and Palm Springs during the summer months - for those who can stand the heat (and in the case of Florida, the humidity).

Other Activities:

What else is there besides golf? And does it matter for your purposes? As mentioned above, weather can cause you to reconsider your plans to play, and even the hardiest players are occasionally faced with course closings due to weather. If this happens, you may be stuck with very little to do. Or, you may be traveling with a family, spouse, or others who do not play, in which case you will need to be sure there's plenty for everyone to do.

How Many Courses Do You Need?

Another factor worth considering is the amount of time you have to play, and how many courses you have the time and desire to play. For a weekend getaway, you might consider a destination with only one or a few courses - a destination that otherwise would prove unsuitable for a weeklong excursion. Bald Head Island, North Carolina, for example, is a wonderful private island destination where the only mode of transportation is golf carts. It's a fine, quiet place to relax for adults or families, with terrific beaches, a couple of restaurants, and nice accommodations consisting mainly of rental houses and a couple of bed and breakfasts. The island has only one golf course (albeit an excellent one), although you can take the ferry to the mainland (where you will have parked your car) to take advantage of the hundreds of courses in nearby Myrtle Beach, SC and Brunswick, NC - all within about a half hour's drive.

Matthew Hick has been designing profitable Niche Adsense Websites for over 5 years.Alfreda Blog64530
Cassaundra Blog25142

Entering College For Free Through Scholarship

The cost of college education is constantly increasing every year. Presently, a student has to pay for about $20,000 on an average school. The problem is, at this amount many American households find it difficult to maintain at least a member of their family to finish a degree or at least stay in school for the following year. This problem can be solved, however, through college scholarships.

There are different college and university scholarships available for different types of student. With a little knowledge on their nature, you may find one where you can fit in; and hopefully finishing college for free.

So what are your college scholarship options?

Academic scholarship

Academic scholarship is given to students who receive the highest mark in the graduation class, endorse by the school to apply for an academic scholarship or meet the necessary grade point average set by the school. If you do not fall in any of the conditions mentioned, ask your high school academic guidance counselor for details on the different ways on how to avail for academic scholarships. Usually some colleges and universities accept applicants with an average high school GPA but pass the entrance test(s).

Athletic scholarship

Colleges and universities offer free education for students with exceptional gift in sports. Recipients of the athletic scholarship are often selected among the graduating high school students. However, there are some schools that open the possibility for students to apply for athletic scholarship after they have enrolled in college.

Corporate scholarship

Many companies stretch their services by granting students with free college education. The good thing about corporate scholarship is that upon receiving the degree, the grantees are assured to land on a job (on the same company that gave them the scholarship).

Institutional scholarship

Many private individuals, institutions, and groups give free college education to those who cannot pay for college tuition. Some of them answer the need of a particular race, age, gender, and locale among others.

Union scholarship

Most union scholarship grants are given to the children of its members. If one of your parents is a member of a certain union, you can inquire about the possibility of applying for a college scholarship.

Religious organizations

Religious organizations and church groups allocate a fund for scholarship grants to their members who cannot afford the cost of college education. You can inquire about this in your church.

Local government grants

One of the best sources of free college education is your local government. Here, you can get as much as 100% scholarship grant depending on their set conditions. Availing a local government scholarship can also give you a big chance to land on a job immediately.

Know all these and you will surely go to college for free.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit Blog74733
Alejandrina Blog29834

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